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Choppy waters, not full-on gale

Wait for the bad weather to pass and stay the course. Volatility fluctuates based on where we are in the economic cycle, but it is a normal feature of markets that investors should expect. When stock markets start correcting, daily injections of bad news may sound as though it will never end. This can spark

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Financial Complexities of Passing on Wealth

Passing on wealth is a sensitive subject, not just because of the financial complexities of it all, but also the emotion and family politics involved. Having built up their business or wealth, many families often wish to enjoy it whilst also ensuring that it is passed on to the next generation in their families. Passing

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How to prepare your portfolio for inflation

Very low or very high inflation is damaging to the economy. The aim is usually to try and keep the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) at 2% in order to maintain a ‘Goldilocks Economy’ – not too hot, not too cold. Over time, inflation can reduce the value of your savings because prices typically go up

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Should I invest into a pension or an ISA?

Investors looking for tax-efficient ways to build a nest egg for retirement often look to both Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) and pensions. Tax-efficiency is a key consideration when investing because it can make a considerable difference to your wealth and quality of life. However, the type of investment and tax-efficiency is a common dilemma faced

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